Your Money When Traveling

  1. Don’t convert money until you get overseas except for a small amount for airport purchases and tips, etc.
  2. Tell your bank and credit card company you will be traveling.
  3. Make sure your bank card has a chip and pin.
  4. Use ATMs to get money. Make sure your card is PLUS or Cirrus or get a Visa or Master Card debit card.
  5. Use a credit card with no international fees. See if your bank charges international ATM fees most don’t.
  6. Look up and carry the overseas phone number for your bank and credit card carrier in case your card is lost or stolen.
  7. Remember some hotels and car rentals may put a hold on your card which can tie up available money.
  8. If you get stranded, Western Union is still the best and fastest way to get money from home while you are abroad.
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