Safeguarding Your Travel Documents

  1. Make photocopies of your passport face page. Bring one copy with you and leave one with a family member or friend at home.
  2. Bring no more than two credit cards. If traveling with someone else, have them bring a different card. If disaster strikes you will have a back up.
  3. Keep passports, tickets, excess cash and credit cards in the hotel vault. Only carry what you need when you venture out.
  4. If your passport will expire within 6 months of your travel date, you must renew before you go.
  5. If your passport is damaged, bent, torn, you should renew or you run the risk of rejection by foreign customs officials.
  6. Assume nothing, you might need a visa. Check with the US Department of State 6 months before you leave to ensure enough time to obtain necessary visas and other required documents.
  7. Save your Passport blank pages. Cover them with post it notes or ask officials to use available space on other pages.
  8. Make it a habit to check taxi seats, subway seats, etc. before walking away. Make sure you don’t leave something behind.
  9. Do Not carry wallets and travel documents in your back pocket.
  10. Carry a passport or passport card when cruising.
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