
Escape With Us

My wonderful clients specially selected and shared with me their photographs, capturing moments on the trips planned for them that signify my motto…

Travel That Makes You Feel Alive!

Group on Poon Hill at sunrise
Two ladies standing in front of the Vatican in Rome
Woman foot in each continent in Iceland
Man standing in front of Treasury Building in Petra
3 people in Tuktuk in Lisbon Portugal
Couple with skin care masks at Blue Lagoon in Iceland
A man climbing to the crows nest on a clipper ship
Couple jumping, holding hands, blue sky
Woman on beach on the Nile with a bottle of wine
Woman standing at MAchu Picchu between two stone walls
Covered in mud at the Dead Sea in Jordan
Couple gazing out to sea in the Galapagos
Woman getting a red dot on her brow in Nepal
Woman zip lining in Belize
Two couples in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland
Woman standing in front of a lighthouse in the Galapagos
Man in Bali with local musicians and dancers
Ladies grouped around  a rose bush enjoying the lovely scent
Woman cooling achy feet in a fountain
Man looking through Telescope on the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Tour group standing in front of waterfall in Bali
Couple sitting near a fountain in a Mosque in Morocco
Woman at flower show looking at a Mad Hatter statue
Couple standing on bridge across the Seine in Paris
Tour group standing by a glacier in iceland cheering
Elephant upset jeep in way arusha national park tanzania
Waiter cheering with champagne on an AMAWaterways river cruise
Woman on the Queen Mary 2 standing at the deck rail
Camels laying in a row with guides and tourists in the Sahara Desert
Ladies at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show
group in front of pyramid in giza
People on home made ferris wheel in Nepal
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