Safe Water and No Plastic Waste When You Travel!

Safe Water and No Plastic Waste When You Travel!

Being aware of the local impact you have when you travel is so important. I have been to countries that don’t have the economics or the tools and resources to deal with increasing trash. When I was in the Azores, for the first time, probably because the islands...
Tips to Navigate Airline Travel

Tips to Navigate Airline Travel

International air travel is becoming more challenging. It used to be, you purchased a ticket, chose your seat, you were given one checked bag free, food, drink, wine and beer were available complimentary, and you had a stable itinerary. Not So Anymore! Here are some...
Choose the Right Tour For Your Next Adventure

Choose the Right Tour For Your Next Adventure

Choosing the right tour for your next adventure can seem overwhelming these days! There are just so many choices! Being a travel planner, it’s what I do all day long and into the night, weekends, lol, sometimes I just can’t stop researching. Here are some...
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